Dads and Double Joggers

Around the Crown 10K is known for their electric energy, as evident in the runners, pacers, volunteers, and cheering crowd. The starting line is buzzing with excitement and the stroller corral is no different! If you were in the stroller division at the 2023 ATC10K, you might have met Nick and Kendal Gregg who were there pushing their 2 young kids (1.5 and 4 years old). We asked Kendal about their experience in the stroller division at their first ATC10K race:

1. What did your training look like? Did you do any prep for the “Queen’s Climb?”

As both runners and parents to young kids, there are always so many extra factors when scheduling our runs. Knowing we wanted to run ATC10K with the double jogger, we tried to be intentional about going on training runs with one or both kids. Nick usually took the kids out on weekends, and I would typically run before or after coaching a S.L.A.M class.  We used our solo runs for speed work and added hills into our runs with the extra challenge of pushing the stroller. Living in Davidson, we were able to train on different hills in the area to be better prepared for the famous Queen’s Climb come race day.

2. What are some of your morning routines when you are running with kids on race day?

Oh man – it’s so different than running out the door solo! It adds a lot more prep on race morning. We wake up extra early to make sure both the kids and ourselves have a good breakfast. We also pack special stroller snacks and toys for them to have during the race so we don’t have to stop while running to tend to them too much. The kids were so entertained with so much to see on the course we ended up not using much of what we packed but it was great to have!

3. What were your thoughts on the start line and getting in place with the stroller?

I really liked how the stroller division was first to go! The kids loved seeing all the other strollers and kids in the corral, and waving at them on the course. They loved it when the elite runners passed us during the race, with everyone cheering and yelling “hey” to them. It was awesome to see so many other runners with strollers! They made it super easy to get into the stroller corral with the kids and stroller. It was very packed which made space limited but everyone was super helpful with navigating your stroller through. It was nice to be around people who understood!

4. What was your favorite thing about the race last year? Or a goal that you accomplished?

It was the longest race we have completed while pushing a stroller! The kids did great the entire race!

5. How was navigating the ATC10K Expo with kids?

The ATC10K Expo was very easy to navigate with the kids. All of the vendors were great, offering the kids bubbles and things to keep them entertained. It was at a great location and they loved playing outside in the grassy area with all the other kids. My daughter did the Kids Fun Run and had a blast running through the Expo with everyone cheering for her and was so excited to get a medal at the end!

6. Any tips or advice for someone running ATC10K with a stroller for the first time?

Do not hesitate to run ATC10K with a stroller! It is the perfect race to make a family run. Our kids got to enjoy and see all the excited, positive energy from all the runners, spectators, and volunteers. It’s the perfect race to introduce your kids to the awesome Charlotte running community. It makes our job pushing the stroller easy and fun when they are entertained and happy the entire time!

7. We will see you out there for the 2024 ATC10k?

I am currently 22 weeks pregnant with baby #3! I have continued to run and stay active at S.L.A.M and will as long as possible! I plan on taking a break postpartum to let my body recover. My due date is 2 days before the race so I won’t be able to make it to run this year but will be lacing up again for ATC10k 2025!

Nick is hoping to be out running with the kids again this year (depending on when the baby makes his arrival!)

I would love to come out and cheer for all the other runners and mother runners, possibly with the newest addition to our family!

The ATC10K race weekend is one you don’t want to miss with your family! If you have any questions about the stroller division please reach out and ask away to

*If you need help with postpartum movement and strength, reach out to S.L.A.M. Charlotte Owner, Kara Daniels. She is a certified Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism Coach, Pregnancy & Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist, and is our guru for all things pre and postnatal fitness! She would love to answer any questions at
*If you are interested in a Return to Run Readiness screen, need help initiating running after baby (even years postpartum), or need help troubleshooting symptoms or injuries postpartum our S.L.A.M. Charlotte Instructor Angela Mitchell is certified in Returning to Run Postpartum and loves to talk about all things running after baby! Please email me at